Event box

The Economist Information Booth

The Economist will be visiting Northampton Square Library on Tuesday 24th October 11.00-14.00. 

No need to book - just pop in and say hello on level 2 of Northampton Square Library at any time between 11:00 and 14:00.

Tuesday 24 October 2017
11:00 - 14:00
Library Level 2
Northampton Square Library
Event organiser:
Emilia Brzozowska-Szczecina
  All Schools     Business School Undergraduates  

Accessibility adjustments

We endeavour to make our workshops inclusive by design. If you require a specific adjustment for this workshop, email subjectlibrarians@city.ac.uk. Include the name, date and time of the workshop you wish to attend to discuss support options. Some adjustments may take longer to organise, so contact us in good time before the start of the workshop.

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