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Getting Ahead: Finding Market Research

Join Catie for a hands-on workshop where you will learn how to find market and industry information from databases, including Marketline Advantage, Mintel, Euromonitor Passport and IBISWorld.

By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Find and login to these databases
  • Build your search to access market and industry information
  • Download your results
  • Find help when you get stuck.

These workshops are designed for Business students, but all students are welcome to attend.


Related library guide: Market research by Robin Hobbs

Monday 9 November 2020
10:00 - 11:00
Event organiser:
Emilia Brzozowska-Szczecina
  Business School Postgraduates     Business School Undergraduates     Database workshop  

Accessibility adjustments

We endeavour to make our workshops inclusive by design. If you require a specific adjustment for this workshop, email subjectlibrarians@city.ac.uk. Include the name, date and time of the workshop you wish to attend to discuss support options. Some adjustments may take longer to organise, so contact us in good time before the start of the workshop.
Registration has closed.

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