Event box

Health & Psychology MScs, PhDs & Researchers: Keeping your research up to date

In the final workshop in this terms programme for SHPS postgraduates and researchers, we will be examining ways in which you can ensure your research is up to date.

The workshop will cover how to set up:

  • Database search alerts
  • Journal table of contents alerts
  • Citation alerts
  • Author alerts

We will also look at available current awareness services.

Wednesday 7 December 2022
15:30 - 16:15
Online Workshop
Event organiser:
Steve O'Driscoll
  Health & Psychological Sciences  

Accessibility adjustments

We endeavour to make our workshops inclusive by design. If you require a specific adjustment for this workshop, email subjectlibrarians@city.ac.uk. Include the name, date and time of the workshop you wish to attend to discuss support options. Some adjustments may take longer to organise, so contact us in good time before the start of the workshop.
Registration has closed.

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